Monthly Stax Roundup [June 2021]

3 min readJul 14, 2021


The year is running so fast! I can’t believe June is gone much less that we are half way done with July already. Building a startup can do this to you 😂. Anyway, as promised, here is the how June went for us at Stax.

June was a month of growth and product optimisation. We had two main goals:

  • Increase our numbers — WAU, Retention and Transaction Volumes
  • Improve the product experience.

For the first, we smashed our goals. Hit all time highs in Transaction Volume and WAUs and 3x’d the total number of users on Stax.

For the latter, it is going to be continuous process (we promise) but we made great progress already. Here are the things that we improved about Stax in the month of June.

Product Update

1. Design Refresh

Home Screen Got A New Look:

We updated account details screen to be more intuitive. Made the account box tappable on home screen (so you can tap to view transaction detail of each account. See video here) and added a refresh balance option to each account.

We also moved all account balances to the home screen and hid them by default to protect private info.

In addition, ‘add another account’ got its own section so it is much easier to add new accounts and see all the options available in your country in one go.

Get Paid Tab

Get paid (request money) is now on its own tab on the home screen. Use the get paid tab to create and share payment links.

Oh! payment request links are now shorter too: When you want to request for money from your friends, family or clients on Stax, we will generate a payment link for you. You can share this link via SMS, WhatsApp, Instagram and more etc. Before now, the link was quite long, taking a lot of characters in your SMS but not more. We made an update that makes the link shorter - saving you money if you want to send the request link via SMS.

A Better On-boarding Experience

We improved the on-boarding process on Stax to provide more guidance on how to first get value from using Stax. This on-boarding guide will help you link your first accounts and perform your first transaction.

2. Fixes

  • Stax now properly tracks when you receive money. Currently available for Safaricom M-Pesa, and will be implemented on all services by the end of July
  • If no additional notes are added to payment requests, it is excluded from the final message.
  • Biometric authentication fixed: It is now much smoother to add biometric and passcode/pin protection to your Stax app. This way Stax will always require a fingerprint or passcode authentication before you open the app. Yay to more security!
  • We also fixed crashes when trying to perform a USSD mapping transaction, improved performance of USSD mapping filter by country and made internet a requirement for mapping on Stax. This is to prevent some of the issues money mappers were having and ensures the list of available bounties is always up to date.

What to expect in July’s roundup?

  • Stax Support: This is a big one! We are currently working to make it much easier to talk to us directly from the app. In addition, you will be able to submit and upvote feature request directly from the app.
  • More Services: We are opening up more USSD mapping opportunities. This means, more new services on the app — just for you.

See you soon. Questions? Hit us up on Twitter @joinstax or email




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